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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment description
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OlomoucFlower - degree of sepal integrationRating score (3=loose, 5=[...] 5
OlomoucFlower - petal number (in 2nd-4th inflorescence)Rating score (1=very low [...] 4
OlomoucFlower - pedical lengthRating score (3=short<1 c[...] 5
OlomoucFlower - sepal pubescenceRating score (1=bald (abs[...] 3
OlomoucLate blight - resistanceRating score (1=very low,[...] 2
OlomoucFruit - mature fruit colourRating score (1=whitish, [...] 6
OlomoucLeaf - positionRating score (3=erect, 5=[...] 7
OlomoucInflorescence - fruit density in cymeRating score (3=sparse, 5[...] 5
OlomoucFlower - relative legth of styleRating score (3=shorter t[...] 5
OlomoucFruit - main utilizationRating score (1=fresh con[...] 9
OlomoucFlower - corolla colourRating score (3=light yel[...] 3
OlomoucStem - pubescenceRating score (1=absent, 3[...] 3
OlomoucVegetation period - from sowing until harvest (days) - cultivarRating score (1=extremely[...] 3
OlomoucFlower - sepal sizeRating score (3=short<1,5[...] 3
OlomoucLeaf - margin, dissectionRating score (1=entire, 3[...] 5
OlomoucFlower - sepal size related to petalsRating score (3=small, 5=[...] 5
OlomoucInflorescence - flower numberRating score (1=very low [...] 4
OlomoucFlower - blossom typeRating score (1=closed, 2[...] 2
OlomoucFlower - size, widthRating score (3=small<2,5[...] 3
OlomoucPlant - shoot formationRating score (1=at plant [...] 9
OlomoucFruit - shape (index = height : diameter)Rating score (1=flattened[...] 2
OlomoucLeaf - typeRating score (3=normal, 5[...] 3
OlomoucPlant - hypocotyl colourRating score (3=light-gre[...] 7
OlomoucFruit - surfaceRating score (3=smooth, 5[...] 5
OlomoucCotyledons - shapeRating score (1=round-ova[...] 7
OlomoucLeaf - interleaflet presenceRating score (1=absent, 9[...] 9
OlomoucFlower - stalk typeRating score (1=jointless[...] 9
OlomoucFruit - weightRating score (1=very low [...] 6
OlomoucInflorescence - number of leaves under the first inflorescenceRating score (1=very low4[...] 1
OlomoucFruit - blossom end shapeRating score (1=corky pis[...] 4
OlomoucFruit - number of loculesRating score (1=very smal[...] 5
OlomoucFruit - pedicel scar (diameter)Rating score (1=absent (f[...] 2
OlomoucPlant - foliationRating score (1=very smal[...] 3
OlomoucLeaf - lengthRating score (1=very shor[...] 4
OlomoucPlant - growth habitRating score (3=decumbent[...] 3
OlomoucLeaf - colourRating score (1=yellow-gr[...] 5
OlomoucPlant - growth characterRating score (1=determina[...] 1
OlomoucFruit - immature fruit colourRating score (1=whitish-g[...] 3
OlomoucLeaf - lobule shapeRating score (3=broad-ova[...] 5
OlomoucInflorescence - typeRating score (1=generally[...] 1
OlomoucLeaf - number of pinnate leaf couplesRating score (1=very low,[...] 3
OlomoucPlant - stem lengthRating score (1=very shor[...] 2
OlomoucFruit - fleshinessRating score (1=weak, few[...] 5
OlomoucPlant - type of branchingRating score (3=sparse, 5[...] 5
OlomoucInflorescence - cyme lengthRating score (3=short <12[...] 3
OlomoucStem - internode lengthRating score (3=short< 5 [...] 3
OlomoucLeaf - surfaceRating score (1=smooth, 3[...] 3
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