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EURISCO statistics

Accessions per NI in EURISCO

National InventoryAccessionsPercentage totalLast update
GBR (United Kingdom)848922 40.39%2024-09-24
RUS (Russian Federation)200717 9.55%2017-01-17
DEU (Germany)185014 8.80%2024-06-11
UKR (Ukraine)107680 5.12%2021-12-08
POL (Poland)90634 4.31%2024-12-11
ESP (Spain)80460 3.83%2024-04-23
BGR (Bulgaria)71239 3.39%2024-12-03
CZE (Czech Republic)57613 2.74%2024-02-13
ITA (Italy)56315 2.68%2025-02-06
HUN (Hungary)49367 2.35%2024-12-03
ROU (Romania)43126 2.05%2024-12-16
NGB (Nordic Countries)40037 1.90%2024-04-08
CHE (Switzerland)40016 1.90%2024-06-11
PRT (Portugal)30484 1.45%2020-12-18
ISR (Israel)28884 1.37%2024-10-08

Accessions with safety duplication site per NI

National InventoryAccessions totalDuplicated accessionsPercentage per NI
BIH (Bosnia and Herzegovina)971959 98.76%
NLD (Netherlands)2570423268 90.52%
MNE (Montenegro)433369 85.22%
GBR (United Kingdom)848922695965 81.98%
NGB (Nordic Countries)4003729284 73.14%
ALB (Albania)58322494 42.76%
DEU (Germany)18501473167 39.55%
ISR (Israel)288849886 34.23%
MKD (North Macedonia)2158667 30.91%
AUT (Austria)120713224 26.71%
UKR (Ukraine)10768022210 20.63%
LVA (Latvia)2798547 19.55%
ITA (Italy)5631510759 19.11%
SVK (Slovakia)189693006 15.85%
HRV (Croatia)4634729 15.73%

MLS accessions per NI in EURISCO

National InventoryAccessionsPercentage total
DEU (Germany)118923 5.66%
POL (Poland)58031 2.76%
CZE (Czech Republic)57610 2.74%
NGB (Nordic Countries)36365 1.73%
CHE (Switzerland)33965 1.62%
ESP (Spain)25245 1.20%
GBR (United Kingdom)16702 0.79%
NLD (Netherlands)15198 0.72%
SVK (Slovakia)14383 0.68%
ITA (Italy)11858 0.56%
BEL (Belgium)10317 0.49%
AUT (Austria)7307 0.35%
ROU (Romania)6243 0.30%
FRA (France)3633 0.17%
EST (Estonia)3278 0.16%

AEGIS accessions per NI in EURISCO

National InventoryAccessionsPercentage total
DEU (Germany)84236 4.01%
ITA (Italy)10946 0.52%
NLD (Netherlands)5840 0.28%
CHE (Switzerland)5611 0.27%
NGB (Nordic Countries)4785 0.23%
CZE (Czech Republic)2097 0.10%
GBR (United Kingdom)1659 0.08%
SVK (Slovakia)1381 0.07%
ROU (Romania)799 0.04%
HUN (Hungary)559 0.03%
POL (Poland)443 0.02%
BGR (Bulgaria)391 0.02%
EST (Estonia)257 0.01%
HRV (Croatia)90 0.00%
PRT (Portugal)86 0.00%