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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
Screening of Spinach for [...] Bolting tendency(0=not bolting,.., 4=stro[...] 2
Field trail, sowing date [...] Female plant number(1=none, 3=25%, 5=50%, 7=[...] 7
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Female plant number(1=none, 3=25%, 5=50%, 7=[...] 4
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0.01
Field trail, sowing date [...] Monoeciousness(1=no monoecious plants, [...] 1
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Monoeciousness(1=no monoecious plants, [...] 1
Screening of Spinach for [...] General performance(0=bad,.., 4=good)3.5
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Screening of Spinach for [...] Leaf shape(1=sharp, 2=oval, 3=round[...] 3
Field trail, sowing date [...] Leaf color(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 1
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Branching flowering plant-5
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Seed spines(1=not present,9=present)1
Field trail, sowing date [...] Seed spines(1=not present,9=present)1
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0.01
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0.02
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Leaf color intensityScore at 7th leaf stage. [...] 4
Test on resistance to Fus[...] Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. spinaciaeT=low to medium tolerance[...] S
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0.11
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Petiole length(3=short, 5=medium, 7=lon[...] 5
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Petiole attitudeScore at 7th leaf stage. [...] 5
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Fieldtests with spreader [...] Albugo occidentalis (white rust)R=resistant, S= susceptib[...] S
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Leaf numberAt bolting time (3=few, 5[...] 7
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Screening of Spinach for [...] Nitrate contentppm. NO3 of plant juice b[...] 3278
Field trail, sowing date [...] Stem anthocyanin content-5
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Test for resistance to Pe[...] Peronospora farinosaRace 4, percentage of res[...] 0
Field trail, sowing date [...] Bolting timeCount days from sowing ti[...] 48
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Bolting timeCount days from sowing ti[...] 41
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Leaf colorScore at 7th leaf stage. [...] 1
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Field trail, sowing date [...] Leaf blistering(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 5
Screening of Spinach for [...] Leaf blade size(3=small, 5=intermediate,[...] 6
Screening of Spinach for [...] Plant weight-0.61
Field trail, sowing date [...] Leaf division-1
Test on resistance to Per[...] Peronospora farinosaRace 2, percentage of res[...] 0
Field trail, sowing date [...] Leaf shapeScore at 7th leaf stage. [...] 1
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Leaf shapeScore at 7th leaf stage. [...] 6
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Leaf lobing(1=absent, 3=weak, 5=medi[...] 4
Field trail, sowing date [...] Leaf lobing(1=absent, 3=weak, 5=medi[...] 2
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Leaf blisteringScore at 7th leaf stage. [...] 4
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Seedling tests (2004-) by[...] Peronospora farinosaResistance to P. farinosa[...] 0
Field trail, sowing date:[...] Leaf glossinessScore at 7th leaf stage. [...] 5
Field trail, sowing date [...] Leaf glossinessScore at 7th leaf stage. [...] 3
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
Screening of Spinach for nitrate content. Sowing date 6/11/85. Harvest date 19/12/85. Temp. 15/10 oC. day/night. 13 plants/5l. pot. Alpha design, 3 replicates, 14 miniblocks. Researcher: W.D. Meysing.Phenotypic data CGN1985
Test on resistance to Peronospora farinosa f. spinaceae race 2. Usualy 50 plants per object.Phenotypic data CGN1990
Field trail, sowing date: 14-4-92, planting date: 13-5-92, plant distance: 50x20, 40 plants per object, location: de Goor.Phenotypic data CGN1992
Test for resistance to Peronospora farinosa f.sp. spinaciae Race 4. Ca.40 plants per acc. Inocul. 0.8-2.0x10^5 sp./ml. 2 times 10-24 days after planting pre-germinated seeds. R= no spores on cotyl. and leafs. Ref: HortScience 27:1118-1119.Phenotypic data CGN1990
Field trail, sowing date 21/4, researcher: Fukushima.Phenotypic data CGN1992
Fieldtests with spreader rows of white rust, by University of Arkansas. Seeds requested by Daehnfeldt.Phenotypic data CGN1996
Test on resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.spinaciae. Inoculum seedlings at cotyl stage (1 agar plate/liter substrate grown for 8 days:0,5 liter per 54 plants), at 27C, screening after one month.Phenotypic data CGN1996
Test on resistance to P.farinosa race 7 (formerly called race 5).Phenotypic data CGN1998
Seedling tests (2004-) by 9 Plantum NL companies; guiding protocol: Proceedings Eucarpia Leavy Vegetables 2003, pp. 49-54; =30 plants per test if possible; each accession/pathotype combination tested by two different companies.Phenotypic data CGN2017
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