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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf shape cross section(3=flat, 5=medium, 7=conc[...] 45
Leek characterization and[...] Pseudo stem diameterMeasure halfway between t[...] 1
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Shaft length(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 64
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf grooving(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 53
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf waxiness(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 5
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf waxiness(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 5
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf color intensity(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 45
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf color intensity(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 4
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf anthocyanin content(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 1
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf anthocyanin content(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 1
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Foliage attitude(3=almost horizontal, ...[...] 6
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Foliage attitude(3=almost horizontal, ...[...] 6
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Growth heightScore plant above soil le[...] 67
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Growth heightScore plant above soil le[...] 6
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf shape cross section(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 5
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Shaft diameter(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 5
Leek characterization and[...] Leaf attitude(3=prostrate, 5=medium, 7[...] 3
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf density(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 4
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf density(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 4
Leek characterization and[...] Leaf sheath lengthMeasure from the stem bas[...] 2
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Plant lengthScore total plant, includ[...] 6
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Plant lengthScore total plant, includ[...] 6
Thrips resistance, fieldt[...] Thrips tabaci sensitivity(1 = no attack, 2 = < 10%[...] 5
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Shaft bulbing(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 32
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Shaft bulbing(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 2
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf color(1=yellow-green, 2=green,[...] 3
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf color(1=yellow-green, 2=green,[...] 3
Leek characterization and[...] Foliage color(3=light green, 5=medium,[...] 5
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf width(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 5
Leek field trial. Sowing [...] Leaf width(1=awnless. 3=scurs on ti[...] 65
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
Leek characterization and evaluation. Sowing date 14/4/84, planting date 17/7/84. Averages of 10 plants.Phenotypic data CGN1984
Leek field trial. Sowing date 14/4, planting date 1/7. Plant distance 12x5, depth 12 cm, 50 plants per accession. Location: de Goor. 11 reference varieties.Phenotypic data CGN1992
Leek field trial. Sowing date 14/4, planting date 7/7. Plant distance 12x5, depth 12 cm, 50 plants per accession. Location: de Goor. 22 reference varieties.Phenotypic data CGN1993
Thrips resistance, fieldtest at Wadenswil in two replicate blocks, visual evaluation, researcher R. Theiler.Phenotypic data CGN1996
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