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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Fasciation(1=not present, 9=present[...] 1
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Seed number per podCount and estimate the av[...] 6
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Testa colorOld seeds (1=colorless, 2[...] 1
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Cotyledon colorOld seeds, if necessary a[...] 1
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Seed shape and surfaceOld seeds (1=round and sm[...] 9
Description of seed type [...] Seed shape and surfaceOld seeds (1=round and sm[...] 9
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Flower insertion heightCount nodes on main stem [...] 7
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Ovule number per podCount and estimate the av[...] 6
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Thousand grain weightOld seeds, at least 100 s[...] 100
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Internode lengthMeasured at 1st internode[...] 65
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Pod number per nodeCount and estimate the av[...] 2
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Flowering time beginCount the days from 1/6 w[...] 13
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Pod lengthMeasured arount harvest, [...] 45
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Flowering time endCount the days from 1/6 w[...] 35
Multiplication / evaluati[...] Flower color(1=white, 2=greenish, 3=p[...] 1
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
Multiplication / evaluation, location the Born.Phenotypic data CGN1994
Description of seed type and growth habit, based on variety descriptions found in several publications.Phenotypic data CGN2010
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