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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
Screening for Pa2 cyst ne[...] Globodera pallidaPa2 rootball test. Kalle [...] 2
Screening for Pa2 cyst ne[...] Globodera pallidaPa2 number of resistant/i[...] 00/20
Chromosome counts in root[...] Chromosome number-24
Field trial in Renkum on [...] Phytophthora infestans on foliageMix of pathotypes 1.2.3, [...] 39.7
50-100 seedlings per acce[...] Potato virus YPerc. of the seedlings sh[...] 99
Leafs tested from plants [...] Phytophthora infestans on foliagePerc. sporulating surface[...] 63
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
Field trial in Renkum on 24 plantlets / accession (no replications) from true seed.Phenotypic data CGN1983
Leafs tested from plants of 1988 seed multiplication.Phenotypic data CGN1988
50-100 seedlings per accession inoculated with PVY using a spray-gun.Phenotypic data CGN1983
Screening for Pa2 cyst nematode resistance by the BAA-Muenster.Phenotypic data CGN1985
Chromosome counts in root tip cells at Univ. Birmingham (Prof. Hawkes).Phenotypic data CGN1981
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