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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Plant lengthof mature plants77
Brassica rapa: Glucosinol[...] But-3-enyl contentµmol/100 g dry weight in [...] 576
Brassica rapa: Glucosinol[...] 1-methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl contentµmol/100 g dry weight in [...] 9.1
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Silique angle1=0°; 2=0-22.5°; 3=22.5°;[...] 4
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Number of lobesNumber of lobes after lam[...] 4
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Leaf sizethe whole surface of leaf[...] 86
Brassica rapa: Glucosinol[...] 2-hidroxybut-3-enyl contentµmol/100 g dry weight in [...] 390.8
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Leaf blade: shape of the tip2=acute, 4=intermediate, [...] 4
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Silique lengthDistance from silique bas[...] 4.6
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Silique lengthDistance from silique bas[...] 3.33
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Beak LengthDistance from the end of [...] 2.4
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Beak LengthDistance from the end of [...] 0.83
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Leaf division1= entire, 2=sinuate. 3=l[...] 3
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Leaf widthincl. lobes, at widest po[...] 12.2
Greenhouse in Wageningen.[...] Petiole and/or midvein colour1= white, 2=light green, [...] 3
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Petiole and/or midvein widthMeasure where blade inter[...] 0.6
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Leaf edge1=non serrated; 2=slightl[...] 1
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Lamina blade widthexcluding lobes, at the w[...] 9.9
Brassica rapa: Glucosinol[...] 4-hydroxy-3-indol contentµmol/100 g dry weight in [...] 14.1
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Leaf hairiness(1=absent, 3=weak, 5=medi[...] 1
Brassica rapa: Glucosinol[...] 2-hidroxybut-3-enyl contentµmol/100 g dry weight in [...] 28.1
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Seed color1=Gray- black; 2=Purple-g[...] 2
Greenhouse in Wageningen.[...] Leaf blistering1=smooth, 2= wrinkled, 3=[...] 2
Greenhouse in Wageningen.[...] Phosphate contentOf leaf, mg/g dry mass Se[...] 12.03
Greenhouse in Wageningen.[...] Leaf hairinessMix of pathotypes 1.2.3, [...] 2
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Petiole and/or midvein widthmeasure at widest point0.9
Brassica rapa: Glucosinol[...] Indol-3-ylmethyl contentµmol/100 g dry weight in [...] 17
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Number of lobeletsNumber of lobelets formed[...] 5
Greenhouse in Wageningen.[...] Phosphate contentOf seed, mg/g dry mass Se[...] 1.24
Brassica rapa: Glucosinol[...] 2-phenethyl contentµmol/100 g dry weight in [...] 278.9
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Silique widthmeasure at widest point0.37
Field experiment in Wagen[...] Silique widthmeasure at widest point0.4
Evaluations of the B. rap[...] Resistance to Albugo candida Acem2total number of plants te[...] 14
Evaluations of the B. rap[...] Resistance to Albugo candida Acem3% of plants showing NO pa[...] 100
Evaluations of the B. rap[...] Resistance to Albugo candida Acem4% of plants showing patho[...] 0
By PRT103: Evaluations of[...] Glucosinolate (2-Hidroxybut-3-enyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight28.1
Identification and quanti[...] Glucosinolate (2-Hidroxybut-3-enyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight28.1
By PRT103: Evaluations of[...] Glucosinolate (But-3-enyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight2480.1
Identification and quanti[...] Glucosinolate (But-3-enyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight2480.1
By PRT103: Evaluations of[...] Glucosinolate (Pent-4-enyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight60.4
Identification and quanti[...] Glucosinolate (Pent-4-enyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight60.4
By PRT103: Evaluations of[...] Glucosinolate (Indol-3-ylmethyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight17
Identification and quanti[...] Glucosinolate (Indol-3-ylmethyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight17
By PRT103: Evaluations of[...] Glucosinolate (2-Phenethyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight63.6
Identification and quanti[...] Glucosinolate (2-Phenethyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight63.6
By PRT103: Evaluations of[...] Glucosinolate (1-Methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight9.1
Identification and quanti[...] Glucosinolate (1-Methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl) content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight9.1
By PRT103: Evaluations of[...] Glucosinolate (4-Hydroxy-3-indol)content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight14.1
Identification and quanti[...] Glucosinolate (4-Hydroxy-3-indol)content in seedlingµmol/100 g dry weight14.1
By PRT103: Evaluations of[...] Glucosinolate (2-Hidroxybut-3-enyl) content in mature plantsµmol/100 g dry weight390.8
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
Brassica rapa: Glucosinolate content of 9 different glucosinolates (µmol/100 g dry weight) in seedlings and mature plants, (RESGEN CT99 109-112).Phenotypic data CGN2001
Brassica rapa: Screen for Albugo candida ,% of plants showing pathogen sporulation of 8-15 plants, (RESGEN CT99 109-112).Phenotypic data CGN2001
Greenhouse in Wageningen. Sowing time November 2002 and March 2003. See Zhao et al 2005 DOI 10.1007/s00122-005-1967-y and Zhao 2007 ISBN 90-8504-588-6. Vernalized plants had been vernalized after germination for 2 weeks at 4-6 °C.Phenotypic data CGN2003
Field experiment in Wageningen. Plants were grown between May and October 2008.Phenotypic data CGN2008
Field experiment in Wageningen. Plants were grown between May and October 2009. Vernalized plants had been vernalized after germination for 2 weeks at 5 °C.Phenotypic data CGN2009
BY GBR006: Description of evaluation test Albugo candida resistance of the Brassica rapa core collection. 15 plants per accession in 1 tray. Seeds were sown in seed trays in a glasshouse at a temperature of 20 ± 2 °C with an 18-hour photoperiod. Seedlings were inoculated 10 days after sowing. Each accession was thinned to 15 individuals at this time.ECPGR CCDB Brassica data extracted 2020-11-27. Data from project AIR3 CT920463 & RESGEN CT99 109-112. This data is available from
Characterisation Brassica rapa. Genetic Resources Unit, Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne.ECPGR CCDB Brassica data extracted 2020-11-27. Data from project AIR3 CT920463 & RESGEN CT99 109-112. This data is available from
Evaluations of the B. rapa core collection. Resistance to Albugo candida. Genetic Resources Unit, Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, U.K.ECPGR CCDB Brassica data extracted 2020-11-27. Data from project AIR3 CT920463 & RESGEN CT99 109-112. This data is available from
By PRT103: Evaluations of the B. rapa core collection. Glucosinolate content.ECPGR CCDB Brassica data extracted 2020-11-27. Data from project AIR3 CT920463 & RESGEN CT99 109-112. This data is available from
Identification and quantification of glucosinolates contentglucosinolates of the Brassica rapa core collection. Seedling plants were grown in growth cabinets unter controled conditions to evaluate the glucosinolate content at 3-true leaf stage. In this experiment 3 replicates with 5 plants per replicate were used, all used for sampling. From sowing to emergence light was set at 400 µmoles.m-2.s-1 and at constant day/night temperature of 22ºC. After emergence to harvest date light was kept at as previous and temperature was changed to a regime of 20/16ºC day/night, according to plant requirements. Seedlings were harvested 14 days after sowing. Mature plants were grown in the field. Sowing was done in 2 different periods in peat blocks (6x6x6 cm) and seedlings were transplanted into field at the 3-true leaf stage and set in raise beds in 35 x 60 cm spacing. The experiment was set in a complete randomized block design with 3 replicates with 6 plants each accession. Harvest was done when plants reached the maturity stage, per replicate collecting from 3 plants different kind of plant parts (inflorescences, leaves and roots), according to plant species. Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, PortugalECPGR CCDB Brassica data extracted 2020-11-27. Data from project AIR3 CT920463 & RESGEN CT99 109-112. This data is available from
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