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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
Characterisation data of [...] Sowing dateDate20151008
Characterisation data of [...] Number of fertile tillersNumber12.6
Characterisation data of [...] Growing type1 ¿ erect; 2 - prostrate;[...] 1
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Septoria triticiPercent0
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Erysiphe graminis sp.hordeiPercent0
Characterisation data of [...] Weight of seeds per spike(g)2.78
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Helminthosporium sativumPercent12.5
Characterisation data of [...] Number of seeds per spikeletNumber0.91
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Rhynchosporium secalis1. Immune <0.75; 2. Extre[...] 0
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Helminthosporium teresPercent0
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Ustilago hordeiPercent0
Characterisation data of [...] 1000 Kernel weight(g); 0 - (not scored)42.6
Characterisation data of [...] Heading dateDate20160502
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Helminthosporium teres1. Immune <0.75; 2. Extre[...] 1
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Helminthosporium sativum1. Immune <0.75; 2. Extre[...] 5
Characterisation data of [...] TilleringThe average number of til[...] 0
Characterisation data of [...] Number of seeds per plantNumber628
Characterisation data of [...] Sum tillerNumber0
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Septoria tritici1. Immune <0.75; 2. Extre[...] 0
Characterisation data of [...] Number of spikelets per spikeNumber61
Characterisation data of [...] Germination dateDate20151017
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Rhynchosporium secalisPercent0
Characterisation data of [...] Plant height(cm) ¿ at maturity; measu[...] 94.1
Characterisation data of [...] Number of seeds per spikeNumber56
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Ustilago hordei1. Immune <0.75; 2. Extre[...] 0
Characterisation data of [...] Spike length(cm)8.5
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Helminthosporium gramineea1. Immune <0.75; 2. Extre[...] 1
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Puccinia sp.1. Immune <0.75; 2. Extre[...] 1
Characterisation data of [...] Weight of seeds per plant(g)22.1
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Puccinia sp.Percent0
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Erysiphe graminis sp.hordei1. Immune <0.75; 2. Extre[...] 1
Characterisation data of [...] Flowering dateDate - from sowing to whe[...] 20160509
Characterisation data of [...] The resistance to Helminthosporium gramineeaPercent0
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
Characterisation data of Hordeum vulgareThis dataset contains Hordeum vulgare accessions20152016
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