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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Bremia lactucaeResistance to B. lactucae[...] 9
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Leaf shape1 = narrow elliptic, 2 = [...] 4
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Bremia lactucaeResistance to B. lactucae[...] 9
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Leaf glossiness of upper side1=absent or very weak, 3=[...] 4
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Head shape1 = narrow elliptic, 2 = [...] 3
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Growing conditions1 = indoor, 2 = outdoor, [...] 2
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Leaf blistering1 = absent or very weak, [...] 3
Field trail for the chara[...] HomogeneityAt harvest maturity (3=he[...] 7
Field trail for the chara[...] Tipburn sensitivityAt harvest maturity1
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Bremia lactucaeResistance to B. lactucae[...] 9
Field trail for the chara[...] Plant diameterAt harvest maturity, rela[...] 5
Field trail for the chara[...] Leaf shape(1=narrow elliptic,2=el.,[...] 5
Field trail for the chara[...] Side shoot formation tendAt harvest maturity1
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Leaf attitude at juvenile stage1 = erect, 3 = semi-erect[...] 3
Field trail for the chara[...] Leaf anthocyanin contentAt harvest maturity1
Field trail for the chara[...] Leaf venationAt harvest maturity (1= n[...] 2
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Leaf venationAt harvest maturity (1= n[...] 2
Field trail for the chara[...] Bolting timeCount the days from sowin[...] 126
Field trail for the chara[...] Head heightAt harvest maturity, rela[...] 4
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Leaf blade division at juvenile stage1 = entire, 2 = lobed, 3 [...] 1
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Bolting time(1=very early, ..., 9=ver[...] 9
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Leaf margin undulation1 = absent or very weak, [...] 4
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Bremia lactucaeResistance to B. lactucae[...] 9
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Heart formation1 = very loose, 3 = loose[...] 9
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Bremia lactucaeResistance to B. lactucae[...] 9
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Head size1=very small,..,9=very la[...] 3
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Leaf anthocyanin coloration(1=absent, 9=present)1
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Leaf margin density of incisions on apical part1 = very sparse, 3 = spar[...] 6
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Stem fasciation(1=absent, 9=present)9
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Head formation1 = absent, 2 = open head[...] 3
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Seed colour1=white/cream, 2=yellow, [...] 4
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Leaf anthocyanin content0=absent, 3=weak, 5=mediu[...] 0
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Outer leaf colour1=yellow green, 2=green, [...] 2
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Outer leaf colour intensity3=light, 5=medium, 7=dark3
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Head shape0=head not formed, 1=elli[...] 4
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Heart formation0=absent, 3=slight, 5=mod[...] 8
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Homogeneity1=completely heterogeneou[...] 7
Lettuce variety descripti[...] Bremia lactucaeResistance to B. lactucae[...] 9
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Seedling anthocyanin content1=absent, 9=present1
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Seedling cotyledon shape1=narrow elliptical, 2= b[...] 1
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Leaf anthocyanin distribution0=absent, 1=localised, 2=[...] 0
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Leaf anthocyanin pattern0=absent, 1=diffused, 2=i[...] 0
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Leaf division1=0, 3=1/3, 5=1/2, 7=2/33
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Leaf blisteringScale ranging from 1 (low[...] 6
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Leaf margin undulationScale ranging from 1 (low[...] 6
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Leaf venation1=not flabellate, 2=flabe[...] 2
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Head leaves overlap1=no overlap, 5=half over[...] 9
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Head heightScale ranging from 1 (low[...] 4
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Plant diameterScale ranging from 1 (low[...] 5
By NLD037: Experiments at[...] Tipburn sensitivityScale ranging from 1 (low[...] 1
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
By NLD037: Experiments at the experimental field station "Nergena" in Wageningen. Sowing: 15/3/2010 and 30 plants per accession were transferred to the field on 27/4/2010. Three rows with 30 cm inter-plant distance.ECPGR CCDB Lettuce data from AUT046, DEU146, GBR006, GBR017, NLD037 and SVN019 extracted 2018-12-03. This data and also some more evaluation and utilization data (not in EURISCO) are available from .2010
Field trail for the characterization of 189 accessions. Sowing date: 15-3-2010, planting date: 27-4-2010, planting distance 30 cm, 30 plants per accession, Location: Nergena, Wageningen.Phenotypic data CGN2010
Lettuce variety descriptions made available by the Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture up and until 2013. Descriptions are included for varieties that matched the CGN accession name.Phenotypic data CGN2013
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