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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
OpavaFlower - typeRating score (1=single, 2[...] 1
OpavaLeaf rosette - light spotsRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 0
OpavaLeaf rosette - pubescenceRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 1
OpavaBud - sepal anthocyanine colourationRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 0
OpavaFlower - petal - extent of basal blotchRating score (3=smallabou[...] 5
OpavaFlower - petal colourRating score (1=white, 2=[...] 1
OpavaLeaf - colourRating score (1=light gre[...] 1
OpavaBud - sepal hairinessRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 0
OpavaLeaf - positionRating score (1=erect, 2=[...] 1
OpavaPlant - heightRating score (1=very low [...] 5
OpavaFlower - petal marginRating score (1=entire, 2[...] 1
OpavaLeaf - margin undulationRating score (0=absent, 3[...] 5
OpavaStem - anthocyanin colourationRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 0
OpavaStem - hairiness below capsuleRating score (1=absent, 3[...] 7
OpavaLeaf - shape - the length:width rationRating score (3=narrow 4:[...] 5
OpavaFlower - petal - colour of basal blotchRating score (1=white, 2=[...] 5
OpavaStem - branchingRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 1
OpavaFlower - petal - basal blotchRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 1
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
OpavaThis dataset contains C&E data from Oseva Opava20082011
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