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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
KromerizSpike - lengthRating score (1=very shor[...] 7
KromerizStem - thickness of the second lower internodeRating score (1=very thin[...] 3
KromerizVegetation period - sowing to heading - cultivar (to standard cv. days)Rating score (1=extremely[...] 5
KromerizStem - length of the second lewer internodeRating score (1=very shor[...] 5
KromerizLeaf - stand - area index (LAI)Rating score (1=very low,[...] 9
KromerizSnow mould - resistanceRating score (1=very low,[...] 3
KromerizLodging - resistanceRating score (1=very low,[...] 5
KromerizGrain - uniformityRating score (1=very low<[...] 5
KromerizSpike - awns lengthRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 3
KromerizSpike - grain massRating score (1=very low<[...] 3
KromerizScab - resistanceRating score (1=very low,[...] 3
KromerizStand - grain yield (repeated evaluation to the standard cv.)Rating score (1=very low [...] 5
KromerizPlant - tuft shape (at tillering)Rating score (1=strongly [...] 5
KromerizGrain - crude protein contentRating score (1=very low<[...] 7
KromerizVegetation period - cultivar (to standard cv. days)Rating score (1=extremely[...] 5
KromerizPlant - heightRating score (1=dwarf< 50[...] 7
KromerizPlant - coleoptile - colourRating score (1=light gre[...] 2
KromerizStem - length of the upper internodeRating score (1=very shor[...] 4
KromerizSpike - number og grainsRating score (1=very smal[...] 3
KromerizSpike - colour of glume (at full ripeness)Rating score (1=light yel[...] 3
KromerizLeaf - number per stem (at milk-waxy ripeness)Rating score (1=very smal[...] 3
KromerizPlant - number of productive tillersRating score (1=very low [...] 7
KromerizPlant - colour at beginning of stoolingRating score (1=light gre[...] 3
KromerizVegetation - characterRating score (1=spring, 3[...] 9
KromerizPlant - grain mass (to the standard cv.)Rating score (1=very low [...] 5
KromerizSpike - shapeRating score (1=pyramidal[...] 3
KromerizLeaf - ligule presenceRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 1
KromerizLeaf - second upper - lengthRating score (1=very shor[...] 5
KromerizWinter hardiness (field - survive)Rating score (1=very low [...] 8
KromerizLeaf - waxy bloomRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 3
KromerizStand - 1000 grain massRating score (1=very low [...] 5
KromerizMain utilizationRating score (1=grain for[...] 1
KromerizLeaf - flag - position (at the beginning of heading)Rating score (1=very erec[...] 7
KromerizGrain - volume massRating score (1=very low<[...] 6
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
KromerizThis dataset contains C&E data from ARI Kromeriz1978
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