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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
OlomoucFlowering - number of daysRating score (3=early<60,[...] 7
OlomoucOuter adult leaf - anthocyanin distributionRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 0
OlomoucStem including inflorescence - lengthRating score (3=short<50 [...] 7
OlomoucYoung leaf - anthocyanin distributionRating score (0=absent, 1[...] 0
OlomoucOuter adult leaf - colourRating score (1=yellow gr[...] 1
OlomoucYoung leaf - vertical undulation of blade marginRating score (0=none, 3=s[...] 3
OlomoucOuter adult leaf - blisteringRating score (0=none, 3=s[...] 5
OlomoucYoung leaf - margin pattern of bladeRating score (1=entire, 2[...] 8
OlomoucBolting - number of daysRating score (3=early <50[...] 7
OlomoucYoung leaf - division of blade (depth of lobes from blade margin to the main vein)Rating score (0=none, 3=p[...] 0
OlomoucYoung leaf - venationRating score (1=pinnate, [...] 1
OlomoucYoung leaf - shape of bladeRating score (1=oblong el[...] 2
OlomoucFruit - seed coat colourRating score (1=white, 2=[...] 2
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
OlomoucThis dataset contains C&E data from CRI Olomouc20152017
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