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Characterisation and evaluation data

Experiment descriptionTrait nameTrait methodScoreScore link
SumperkFlower - petal colourRating score (1=white, 2=[...] 1
SumperkType of useRating score (1=fibre, 2=[...] 1
SumperkFlower - petal tipsRating score (1=rounded, [...] 1
SumperkSepal - dottingRating score (1=very weak[...] 7
SumperkReproductive organs - style - colour at baseRating score (1=white, 2=[...] 1
SumperkReproductive organs - anther colourRating score (1=white, 2=[...] 2
SumperkStem - technical length (cm)Rating score (1=very shor[...] 5
SumperkStem - plant natural height (cm)Rating score (1=very shor[...] 5
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Experiment details

Experiment desciptionDataset remarkExperiment start yearExperiment end yearExperiment report
SumperkThis dataset contains C&E data from Agritec Sumperk2006
SumperkThis dataset contains C&E data from Agritec Sumperk20012002
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