Praha Ruzyne | Lodging - resistance | Rating score (1=very low,[...] | 8 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Caryopsis - shape | Rating score (1=spherical[...] | 2 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Glume - beak tip | Rating score (1=acute, 2=[...] | 2 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Stem rust - resistance | Rating score (1=very low [...] | 1 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Stand - grain yield(repeated evaluation;to the standard cv.) | Rating score (1=very low<[...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - number of grains | Rating score (1=very smal[...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - brittleness of rachis | Rating score (1=absent, 3[...] | 1 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - shape | Rating score (1=pyramidal[...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Stripe rust - resistance | Rating score (1=very low [...] | 9 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - density (no. of spikelets/10 cm) | Rating score (1=very lax<[...] | 1 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Leaf - flag - width | Rating score (1=very narr[...] | 7 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - position (at full ripeness) | Rating score (1=erect < 1[...] | 7 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Leaf - flag - position (at the beginning of heading) | Rating score (1=very erec[...] | 3 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Caryopsis - sulcus shape | Rating score (1=shallow, [...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Flour - baking quality (Prugar method) | Rating score (1=very low<[...] | 3 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Plant - height | Rating score (1=dwarf<35 [...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Plant - tuft shape (at tillering) | Rating score (1=very erec[...] | 3 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - awnedness | Rating score (1=awnless, [...] | 2 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Leaf - ligule presence | Rating score (1=absent, 9[...] | 9 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Glume - shoulder shape | Rating score (1=shoulder [...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Flour - wet gluten content | Rating score (1=very low<[...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Stand - 1000 grain mass | Rating score (1=very low [...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Winter hardiness (field - survive) | Rating score (1=very low [...] | 6 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Glume - texture | Rating score (1=very tend[...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Caryopsis - surface | Rating score (1=deformed,[...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - awns type | Rating score (1=straight,[...] | 1 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - grain mass | Rating score (1=very low [...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - branchiness | Rating score (1=absent, 2[...] | 1 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - thrashing | Rating score (1=non thras[...] | 9 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Caryopsis - colour | Rating score (1=light-yel[...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Powdery mildew - plant - resistance | Rating score (1=very low [...] | 1 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Glume - indumentum (hairiness) | Rating score (1=absent, 3[...] | 1 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Glume - colour | Rating score (1=white,str[...] | 1 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - colour of the awns | Rating score (1=same as s[...] | 1 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Stand - number of spikes | Rating score (1=very smal[...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Glume - shape | Rating score (1=ovate - o[...] | 3 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Spike - length | Rating score (1=very shor[...] | 6 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Vegetation period - start of ratings to ripening (start of ratings: winter wheat - 1.1., spring wheat - | Rating score (1=extremely[...] | 5 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Lemma - degree of tightness | Rating score (1=very weak[...] | 7 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Gluten swelling (Berliner method) | Rating score (1=very low0[...] | 2 | |
Praha Ruzyne | Vegetation period - heading to ripening (related to control) | Rating score (1=extremely[...] | 5 | |