Olomouc | Flower - degree of sepal integration | Rating score (3=loose, 5=[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 5 | |
Olomouc | Flower - petal number (in 2nd-4th inflorescence) | Rating score (1=very low [...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 2 | |
Olomouc | Flower - pedical length | Rating score (3=short<1 c[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 5 | |
Olomouc | Flower - sepal pubescence | Rating score (1=bald (abs[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Late blight - resistance | Rating score (1=very low,[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 6 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - mature fruit colour | Rating score (1=whitish, [...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 6 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - flesh colour | Rating score (1=light-yel[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 5 | |
Olomouc | Leaf - position | Rating score (3=erect, 5=[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 7 | |
Olomouc | Inflorescence - fruit density in cyme | Rating score (3=sparse, 5[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 5 | |
Olomouc | Flower - relative legth of style | Rating score (3=shorter t[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 5 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - main utilization | Rating score (1=fresh con[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 9 | |
Olomouc | Flower - corolla colour | Rating score (3=light yel[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Stem - pubescence | Rating score (1=absent, 3[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Vegetation period - from sowing until harvest (days) - cultivar | Rating score (1=extremely[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Flower - sepal size | Rating score (3=short<1,5[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 7 | |
Olomouc | Leaf - margin, dissection | Rating score (1=entire, 3[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 7 | |
Olomouc | Flower - sepal size related to petals | Rating score (3=small, 5=[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 5 | |
Olomouc | Inflorescence - flower number | Rating score (1=very low [...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 1 | |
Olomouc | Flower - blossom type | Rating score (1=closed, 2[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 2 | |
Olomouc | Flower - size, width | Rating score (3=small<2,5[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 5 | |
Olomouc | Plant - shoot formation | Rating score (1=at plant [...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 1 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - shape (index = height : diameter) | Rating score (1=flattened[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Leaf - type | Rating score (3=normal, 5[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Flower - stamen type | Rating score (1=absent, 3[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 7 | |
Olomouc | Plant - hypocotyl colour | Rating score (3=light-gre[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 7 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - surface | Rating score (3=smooth, 5[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 5 | |
Olomouc | Cotyledons - shape | Rating score (1=round-ova[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 7 | |
Olomouc | Leaf - interleaflet presence | Rating score (1=absent, 9[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 9 | |
Olomouc | Flower - stalk type | Rating score (1=jointless[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 9 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - weight | Rating score (1=very low [...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 7 | |
Olomouc | Inflorescence - number of leaves under the first inflorescence | Rating score (1=very low4[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 1 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - blossom end shape | Rating score (1=corky pis[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 6 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - number of locules | Rating score (1=very smal[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 7 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - pedicel scar (diameter) | Rating score (1=absent (f[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Plant - foliation | Rating score (1=very smal[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 7 | |
Olomouc | Leaf - length | Rating score (1=very shor[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 4 | |
Olomouc | Plant - growth habit | Rating score (3=decumbent[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 5 | |
Olomouc | Leaf - colour | Rating score (1=yellow-gr[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Plant - growth character | Rating score (1=determina[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 1 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - immature fruit colour | Rating score (1=whitish-g[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 1 | |
Olomouc | Leaf - lobule shape | Rating score (3=broad-ova[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 7 | |
Olomouc | Inflorescence - type | Rating score (1=generally[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 1 | |
Olomouc | Leaf - number of pinnate leaf couples | Rating score (1=very low,[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Plant - stem length | Rating score (1=very shor[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 4 | |
Olomouc | Fruit - fleshiness | Rating score (1=weak, few[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 1 | |
Olomouc | Plant - type of branching | Rating score (3=sparse, 5[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 5 | |
Olomouc | Inflorescence - cyme length | Rating score (3=short <12[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Stem - internode length | Rating score (3=short< 5 [...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |
Olomouc | Leaf - surface | Rating score (1=smooth, 3[...] ![](eurisco_ws/r/files/static/v40/apex-info.png) | 3 | |