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Trait details

Distribution of scores

Descriptive statistics

Regrowth after cutting - at conservation management153.672.315.33355
Regrowth after cutting - at conservation management
Rating score (1=very low, 3=low, 5=medium, 7=high, 9=very high)

Accession scores for selected trait

  • 1 - 3 of 3
NICODEINSTCODETaxonACCENUMBScoreScore linkOrigin countryBiological statusDetails
CZECZE122Poa palustris L.14G29040045 of Soviet Socialist RepublicsAdvanced or improved cultivar (conventional breeding methods)Accession details
CZECZE122Poa palustris L.14G29040021 or improved cultivar (conventional breeding methods)Accession details
CZECZE122Poa trivialis L.14G29060075 or improved cultivar (conventional breeding methods)Accession details
  • 1 - 3 of 3